Contact Us

Why Contact Northside Logistics Today?

We pride ourselves in creating positive experiences for everyone we come across – including you. That is just who we are, people who love people. It will never be a disappointing experience when you decide to either pick up the phone to have a chat or send us an email.

We are also highly driven to solve your problems, whether we can deliver the solution for you or put in in touch with the best people who can. Solutions are what we are about and we will always know someone or somehow to get the job done.

So what have you got to lose? At worst, you’ll have a great chat and be left energised and at best we’ll solve your problem at a highly competitive investment. It’s Win-Win so get in touch today!

Enquire Today

(We aim to respond within 24 hours)

Office address

20 Mooney St. Bayswater WA 6053

Phone number

08 9370 3522

Our Clients

Our Partners

Happy 2025


Northside Logistics will cease sending orders to ALL educational locations due to the holidays (YAY!!) as well as the delay in postage at this time of year.

We will continue to process your orders as they come in, we will send them out the week prior to Week 1 so you have them in time to kick off the 2025 school year. (29 January).

From the Logistics team here at Northside, we hope you had a lazy & enjoyable break! Be safe, thank you for being wonderful, we appreciate you.

The Northside crew